迟到的报道- SQLServer2005 JDBC v1.1正式版发布

好久没有上SQL Server JDBC网站,原来早在8月29日就更新驱动了,现在是1.1的正式版。从其中一个开发者的博客上看到了更新的内容:

1. Integrated security 增强了安全连接,不过这个功能只支持 Windows 系统。我记得是需要拷贝一个dll文件

2. Client Failover, Database Mirroring support 支持 客户端失效倍援和数据库镜像功能
  数据镜像功能其实是SQL Server2005的一个新功能,现在的JDBC驱动也支持了。关于这个功能更多可参考:http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/dbmirror.mspx
  客户端失效倍援(不知道这个翻译是否准确)的描述是这样的:When connecting to a Sql Server 2005 Database that has a failover partner the JDBC v1.1 driver will cache failover information and retry to the failover partner on primary failure. Additionally you can use the new “failoverPartner” connection string keyword to handle initial connection failure scenarios.

3. 修复了以下上个版本里面的比较严重的bug(前面的数字是提交bug时候产生的序号,没有具体的含义)
<blockquote> <li>426389 Calling Statement.execute no longer causes an SQLException with the

message “sp_cursoropen/sp_cursorprepare: The statement parameter can

only be a single select or a single stored procedure‿ for UPDATE

WHERE queries when the selectMethod=cursor connection property is set.</li>

 <li>436718 Calling PreparedStatement.execute no longer causes an SQLException

with the message “sp_cursoropen/sp_cursorprepare: The statement

parameter can only be a batch or a stored procedure with a single

select, without FOR BROWSE, COMPUTE BY, or variable assignments‿ for

INSERT INTO queries when the selectMethod=cursor connection property is set.</li>
 <li>450639 The driver no longer throws an SQLException with the message “Server

failed to resume the transaction, desc: 4600000001.‿ when configuring

SQL Server 2005 as the JBoss JMS message store.</li>
 <li>435796 Executing SQL WRITETEXT statements no longer throws an SQLException

with the message “No TDS_RET_STATUS was found for the stored procedure

output parameters.‿</li>
 <li>424295 DatabaseMetaData.getMaxConnections no longer throws an SQLException with

the message “The configuration option ‘user connections’ does not exist,

or it may be an advanced option‿ for SQL Server 2005 servers.</li>
 <li>433394 Calling Statement.executeBatch after setting a BLOB value no longer throws

an SQLException with the message “The conversion from BLOB to BINARY is unsupported.‿</li>
 <li>435448 The driver no longer throws an SQLException with the message

“com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near ‘-’‿

when sending a BigDecimal prepared statement parameter value to the server

with the 5.0 JRE.</li></blockquote>
JDBC 2005 v1.1 is now available.
<a href="http://blogs.msdn.com/angelsb/archive/2006/08/22/713417.aspx" target="_blank">http://blogs.msdn.com/angelsb/archive/2006/08/22/713417.aspx</a>


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